Wine and Spirits delivery service launching in Arlington next month


An online specialty service that would allow people to order beer and wine, and have it delivered to their doorstep is set to launch next month in Arlington. The deliveries are expected to start the first or second week of March. The company, Ultra, is already available in eight cities nationwide, including D.C. While Virginia’s liquor laws restrict Ultra from selling alcohol, Ultra CEO Aniket Shah stated that his company has negotiated an arrangement with the state Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to deliver spirits. Customers would go to the company’s official website, enter their zip code, and a list of products want to order (beer, wine, soda, and mixers), delivery minimum, and delivery preference. Customers can order on-demand, which takes no more than an hour, or place an order for thirty (or more) days in advance. Special requests can even made, like for the wine to be chilled upon delivery. Customers’Driver’s Licenses are checked promptly when the driver makes the delivery. Ultra, a New York City-based business, can only offer beer and wine from stores that have delivery permits in place to do so. Shah could not divulge which retailers Ultra is negotiating with due to confidentiality agreements. Shah added that he plans on compromising with the ABC Board to deliver liquor straight from ABC stores, but it is uncertain how much traction those discussions will have.


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