Congresswoman Norton asks Trump to apologize


Congresswoman Eleanor Norton, a Democratic delegate for the District of Columbia, has asked Donald Trump to apologize for his remarks about Mexican immigrants. A bill proposed by Norton led Trump to win a competition to remodel the Old Post Office building into a hotel. In a press release, Congresswoman Norton shared her view of the situation. “I find the comments that ignited this unnecessary controversy to be uncharacteristic of the Donald Trump I have come to know as a businessman in our work on the Old Post Office building and unworthy of his business reputation,” said Norton. “Donald Trump, who grew up in New York, the most multi-ethnic city in the world, would not have become a leading figure in his home town or leader of a successful national television show if he had allowed himself to be known for remarks that stereotype Mexican Americans or any other group.


“Donald Trump and his family won a General Services Administration competition to build the hotel fair and square.  He is now doing business in the nation’s capital, a town that honors diversity and welcomes Mexican Americans and other immigrants from all over the world.  It is always difficult to indicate regrets because of one’s actions.  In his heart, though, I know that Donald Trump knows it is the right thing to do.”


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